Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The difficulty of momentum

As I have mentioned previously, moving is miserable. Trying to figure out what you did with all of your things despite your very carefully organized system is a pain. You struggle to find any sort of normalcy in life as you are living in a city of boxes and stuff that you honestly don't even remember packing. It's even worse when you're downsizing considerably.

The first few days, you're super motivated. You tear open boxes and find the perfect places to put things. As you go, you get creative in filling your storage needs, praising pinterest for all of the possible uses of shoe storage hangers. (does anyone actually put shoes in those?) Then, as you get the essentials unpacked, you start to slack off. "I've earned a break," you think. And besides, there are other things you need to attend to. Finding a job. Getting  your address changed on everything in existence. New drivers' licenses and registrations. Moving prescriptions to a new pharmacy.

Soon, your momentum is lost and you're about ready to resign yourself to living in box-city for the next several months. The important things are put away, why are there still things? Why do we have ALL of these things??

Pretty soon your motivation to do anything is failing. I'd like to go for a run, but I should really put things away instead. Since I don't want to put things away, I'll just browse facebook until I feel motivated. Pretty soon it's dark and cold and you just want to snuggle under the covers with a kitten and hope that tomorrow goes better.

So moving sucks. And motivation is hard to come by once momentum has run its course. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go do some clean-up in my horse's pasture before I run out of sunlight. It doesn't usually last long here.