Friday, January 4, 2013

Seek Adventure

I'm not big on new years resolutions. Most people (myself included) don't follow through with them after about a month or so into the new year, or we put them off until the end of the year. In general, if there's a change I want to make, I'd rather make it NOW rather than waiting for an arbitrary date like January 1st. I do, however, like to use the beginning of the year to look back at my past and decide if there are some things that I'd like to work towards in the future. What elements of my life I have been dissatisfied with and how I'd like to improve those. With that in mind, I have my theme for 2013:

Seek Adventure

Since moving to North Dakota 2 1/2 years ago, there really hasn't been a lot of adventure in my life. I got married, which is awesome and has been an exciting journey, but we've definitely let ourselves fall into a routine of boring. We go to work, we come home, eat something, and then either surf the internet or watch tv. That's about it, and I'm not okay with that. We've allowed location to be our excuse for this, which I'm not proud of, but it is what it is. In February we're moving back to Washington though, and I'm going to make it a point to not fall into the same trap.

 Finding adventure is harder as a real adult than it was when we were in college and could just ditch class on Friday and take off for the weekend. The reality of work and bills and schedules and responsibility is more pressing than I thought it would be. That's all excuses though, and I'm tired of using them to explain why my life is boring.

I don't know what sort of adventures we'll discover on the west coast, but I'm determined not to let life just pass us by any longer.

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